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Workplace Training


Designed to exceed requirements of the US DOT BAT certification training, our workplace training for alcohol testing courses are appropriate for both DOT regulated testing programs and non-regulated testing programs that mimic the DOT rules and regulations.

Intoximeters’ Professional Training Staff

Classroom and Online BAT Training Courses

In order to accommodate our instrument users and workplace drug test collectors, Intoximeters Training Academy’s DOT workplace training classes are designed to offer DOT compliant training using online, virtual or in-person training formats.

For alcohol testing, we offer Breath Alcohol Technician (BAT) training, Calibration Technician (CalTech) Training and Instructor Training for those who want to train their own BATs and CalTechs.

We offer DOT workplace training for the following Intoximeters alcohol breath testing instruments (available formats are instrument dependent): 

  • Alco-Sensor IV with Memory and Printer
  • Alco-Sensor IV @Work
  • Alco-Sensor IV/RBT IV
  • Alco-Sensor VXL with Printer
  • Alco-Sensor VXL/RBT VXL
  • AlcoMonitor CC
  • Intox EC/IR II


We also offer Urine Drug Screening training for both collectors and instructors who wish to train collectors.

The course descriptions for the classes listed below should allow you to determine the best option for your training experience and provide information on how to register for the course.

DOT Training

Breath Alcohol Testing

BAT and BAT/Cal Tech Training (Online)

BAT/Calibration Technician Instructor Training (Online)

205: BAT/EBT Course (fully online)

(for RBT IV, RBT VXL, AS IV w/Memory, or AMCC)

215: BAT & Cal Tech Course

(for RBTIV, ASVXL, RBTIV with memory, or AMCC)

315: BAT/EBT/Cal Tech Instructor

(for RBTIV, ASVXL, RBTIV with memory, or AMCC)

BAT/Calibration Technician and BAT/Calibration Technician Instructor Training

Calibration Technician Training (for currently certified BATs)

301: BAT/EBT/CALTECH Instructor Course (2 day)

(for RBT IV, RBT VXL, AS IV with Memory, or AMCC)

302: BAT/EBT/CALTECH Instructor Course (3 day)

(for AS IV @Work or ECIR II)

505: Calibration Technician (fully online)

for RBTIV, ASVXL, RBTIV with memory, AMCC, or EC/IR II

Drug Testing

Collector Training (Online)

105: UDS Collector Course (fully online)

(Urine Drug Screen training)

115: Oral Fluid Collector Course
705: Urine & Oral Fluid Collector Course

Collector Instructor Training (Online)

405: UDS Collector Instructor Course (fully online)

(Urine Drug Screen Instructor training)

415: Oral Fluid Collector Instructor (2 days)

805: Urine & Oral Fluid Collector Instructor (2 days)

Collector Instructor Training (Classroom)

401: UDS Collector Instructor Course (one-day)

(Urine Drug Screen Instructor training)

411: Oral Fluid Collector Instructor (2 days)

801:  Urine & Oral Fluid Collector Instructor (2 days)



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