NRC Training
Training for the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission FFD Alcohol Testing Programs
Intoximeters offers NRC classes designed to meet the training requirements of 10 CFR Part 26. Both breath alcohol Collector Training, Calibration Technician (CalTech) Training and Instructor Preparation Training are available. We also offer Urine Drug Screening training for Collectors, and Instructors Preparation Training for those who wish to train urine drug collectors.
We offer NRC Fitness for Duty training for the following Intoximeters breath alcohol testing instruments:
- Alco-Sensor IV and RBT IV
- Alco-Sensor VXL and RBT VXL
- Intox EC/IR II
The course descriptions for the classes listed below should allow you to both determine the best option for your training experience and provide information on how to register for the course.
NRC Breath Alcohol Technician Training
NRC Collector and Calibration Technician Training
NRC Collector and Calibration Technician Instructor Training
Subpart E – Collecting Specimens for Testing
26.85 Collector qualifications and responsibilities
(a) Collector qualifications. Each collector shall be knowledgeable of the requirements of this part and the FFD policy and procedures of the licensee or other entity for whom collections are performed, and shall keep current on any changes to the collection procedures for each specimen the individual is qualified to collect under this part. Each collector shall receive qualification training that meets the requirements of this paragraph and demonstrate proficiency in applying the requirements of this paragraph before serving as a collector. At a minimum, qualification training must provide instruction on the following subjects:
(1) All steps necessary to complete a collection correctly and the proper completion and transmission of the Federal CCF;
(2) Methods to address “problem” collections, including, but not limited to:
(i) Inability to provide a specimen (e.g., “shy bladder” for a urine specimen, “shy lung” for a breath specimen, dry mouth for an oral fluid specimen); and
(ii) Attempts to tamper with a specimen;
(3) Operation of the particular specimen collection or alcohol testing device(s) (e.g., alcohol screening device (ASD), EBT, oral fluid) to be used, consistent with the most recent version of the manufacturers’ instructions;
(4) How to correct problems in collections; and
(5) The collector’s responsibility for maintaining the integrity of the specimen collection process, carefully ensuring the modesty and privacy of the donor, and avoiding any conduct or remarks that might be construed as accusatorial or otherwise offensive or inappropriate, and the specimen transfer process, if applicable.
Link to: Summary of Latest NRC Alcohol Testing Procedures
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