Technical Support
Service programs offered by Intoximeters include warranty repair, extended warranty, non-warranty repair, preventative maintenance programs (Factory Recertification and Factory Inspection), software support and custom service programs designed to answer unique service needs.
Intoximeters is committed to cost-effective, high-quality service programs that emphasize improved reliability and the maximization of the customer’s investment.
When you cannot solve issues with your instrument by referencing your User’s manual, reviewing this section of the website, or by contacting our service department, you will need to forward your instrument to one of the Intoximeters Service Centers for repair.
If you have an instrument in need of repair, please either:
1. Call our Customer Service Department at (314) 429-4000, and have your instrument’s serial number ready. We will walk you through the process to get your instrument repaired. Or
2. Complete an online Incident Form (Return Authorization Form) and follow the instructions on the form to send the form and your instrument to Intoximeters.
Repairs or Recertification on Instruments With Stored Memory
Prior to the instrument return for warranty, repair or recertification, all stored data, settings and custom software required by the customer, should be saved or secured by the customer.
Repairs Under Warranty
Repairs Not Covered Under Warranty
If your instrument is not under warranty, send it back to Intoximeters and the repair will be performed and the instrument and invoice will be returned to the address(es) designated on the accompanying Return Authorization Form.
If you require an estimate before a repair is completed and billed this must be noted on the Return Authorization form along with your email address or fax number, or when you speak with Customer Service to arrange an instrument repair. There is a checkout charge for this service; see the Getting an Estimate section of this website for more information about this service.
For DOT/workplace testing, law enforcement, schools, medical facilities, military, corrections and probations
For DOT/workplace testing, law enforcement, schools, medical facilities, military, corrections and probations

Alco-Sensor® IV with Memory with Printer

Alco-Sensor® IV with Memory with Slip Printer


Product Specific Information
For DOT/workplace testing, law enforcement, schools, medical facilities, military, corrections and probations
Intox DMT®

Product Specific Information
Technical Information/ Software Products
For DOT/workplace testing, law enforcement, schools, medical facilities, military, corrections and probations