Software FAQ
§ 40.277
No, other types of alcohol tests (e.g., blood and urine) are not authorized for testing done under this part.Only saliva or breath for screening tests and breath for confirmation tests using approved devices are permitted.
§ 40.255
(a) After the EBT has printed the result of an alcohol confirmation test, you must, as the BAT, take the following additional steps:
(1) Sign and date Step 3 of the ATF.
(2) If the alcohol confirmation test result is lower than 0.02, nothing further is required of the employee. As the BAT, you must sign and date Step 3 of the ATF.
(3) If the alcohol confirmation test result is 0.02 or higher, direct the employee to sign and date Step 4 of the ATF. If the employee does not do so, you must note this on the “Remarks” line of the ATF.However, this is not considered a refusal to test.
(4) If the test is invalid, tell the employee the test is cancelled and note the problem on the “Remarks” line of the ATF. If practicable, conduct a re-test. (see §40.271 ).
(5) Immediately transmit the result directly to the DER in a confidential manner.
(i) You may transmit the results using Copy 1 of the ATF, in person, by telephone, or by electronic means. In any case, you must immediately notify the DER of any result of 0.02 or greater by any means (e.g., telephone or secure fax machine) that ensures the result is immediately received by the DER. You must not transmit these results through C/TPAs or other service agents.
(ii) If you do not make the initial transmission in writing, you must follow up the initial transmission with Copy 1 of the ATF.
(b) As an employer, you must take the following steps with respect to the receipt and storage of alcohol test result information:
(1) If you receive any test results that are not in writing (e.g., by telephone or electronic means), you must establish a mechanism to establish the identity of the BAT sending you the results.
(2) You must store all test result information in a way that protects confidentiality.
§ 40.263
(a) As the STT, you must take the following steps if an employee is unable to provide sufficient saliva to complete a test on a saliva screening device (e.g., the employee does not provide sufficient saliva to activate the device).
(1) You must conduct a new screening test using a new screening device.
(2) If the employee refuses to make the attempt to complete the new test, you must discontinue testing, note the fact on the “Remarks” line of the ATF, and immediately notify the DER. This is a refusal to test.
(3) If the employee has not provided a sufficient amount of saliva to complete the new test, you must note the fact on the “Remarks” line of the ATF and immediately notify the DER.
(b) As the DER, when the STT informs you that the employee has not provided a sufficient amount of saliva (see paragraph (a)(3) of this section), you must immediately arrange to administer an alcohol test to the employee using an EBT or other breath testing device.
§ 40.265
(a) If an employee does not provide a sufficient amount of breath to permit a valid breath test, you must take the steps listed in this section.
(b) As the BAT or STT, you must instruct the employee to attempt again to provide a sufficient amount of breath and about the proper way to do so.
(1) If the employee refuses to make the attempt, you must discontinue the test, note the fact on the “Remarks” line of the ATF, and immediately notify the DER.This is a refusal to test.
(2) If the employee again attempts and fails to provide a sufficient amount of breath, you may provide another opportunity to the employee to do so if you believe that there is a strong likelihood that it could result in providing a sufficient amount of breath.
(3) When the employee`s attempts under paragraph (b)(2) of this section have failed to produce a sufficient amount of breath, you must note the fact on the “Remarks” line of the ATF and immediately notify the DER.
(4) If you are using an EBT that has the capability of operating manually, you may attempt to conduct the test in manual mode.
(5) If you are qualified to use a saliva ASD and you are in the screening test stage, you may change to a saliva ASD only to complete the screening test.
(c) As the employer, when the BAT or STT informs you that the employee has not provided a sufficient amount of breath, you must direct the employee to obtain, within five days, an evaluation from a licensed physician who is acceptable to you and who has expertise in the medical issues raised by the employee`s failure to provide a sufficient specimen.
(1) You are required to provide the physician who will conduct the evaluation with the following information and instructions:
(i) That the employee was required to take a DOT breath alcohol test, but was unable to provide a sufficient amount of breath to complete the test;
(ii) The consequences of the appropriate DOT agency regulation for refusing to take the required alcohol test;
(iii) That the physician must provide you with a signed statement of his or her conclusions; and
(iv) That the physician, in his or her reasonable medical judgment, must base those conclusions on one of the following determinations:
(A) A medical condition has, or with a high degree of probability could have, precluded the employee from providing a sufficient amount of breath.The physician must not include in the signed statement detailed information on the employee`s medical condition.In this case, the test is cancelled.
(B) There is not an adequate basis for determining that a medical condition has, or with a high degree of probability could have, precluded the employee from providing a sufficient amount of breath.This constitutes a refusal to test.
(C) For purposes of paragraphs (c)(1)(iv)(A) and (B) of this section, a medical condition includes an ascertainable physiological condition (e.g., a respiratory system dysfunction) or a medically documented pre-existing psychological disorder, but does not include unsupported assertions of “situational anxiety” or hyperventilation.
(2) As the physician making the evaluation, after making your determination, you must provide a written statement of your conclusions and the basis for them to the DER directly (and not through a C/TPA acting as an intermediary).You must not include in this statement detailed information on the employee`s medical condition beyond what is necessary to explain your conclusion.
(3) Upon receipt of the report from the examining physician, as the DER you must immediately inform the employee and take appropriate action based upon your DOT agency regulations.
§ 40.267
As an employer, a BAT, or an STT, you must cancel an alcohol test if any of the following problems occur. These are “fatal flaws. “You must inform the DER that the test was cancelled and must be treated as if the test never occurred. These problems are:
(a) In the case of a screening test conducted on a saliva ASD or a breath tube ASD:
(1) The STT or BAT reads the result either sooner than or later than the time allotted by the manufacturer and this part (see §40.245(a)(8)for the saliva ASD and §40.245(b)(8) for the breath tube ASD).
(2) The saliva ASD does not activate (see §40.245(a)(7)); or
(3) The device is used for a test after the expiration date printed on the device or on its package (see §40.245(a)(1) for the saliva ASD and §40.245(b)(1) for the breath tube ASD).
(4) The breath tube ASD is tested with an analyzer which has not been pre-calibrated for that device`s specific lot (see §40.245(b)(1)).
(b) In the case of a screening or confirmation test conducted on an EBT, the sequential test number or alcohol concentration displayed on the EBT is not the same as the sequential test number or alcohol concentration on the printed result (see §40.253(c), (e) and (f)).
(c) In the case of a confirmation test:
(1) The BAT conducts the confirmation test before the end of the minimum 15- minute waiting period (see §40.251(a)(1));
(2) The BAT does not conduct an air blank before the confirmation test (see §40.253(a));
(3) There is not a 0.00 result on the air blank conducted before the confirmation test (see §40.253(a)(1) and (2));
(4) The EBT does not print the result (see §40.253(f)); or
(5) The next external calibration check of the EBT produces a result that differs by more than the tolerance stated in the QAP from the known value of the test standard. In this case, every result of 0.02 or above obtained on the EBT since the last valid external calibration check is cancelled (see §40.233(a)(1) and (c)(3)).
§ 40.269
As a BAT or STT, or employer, you must cancel an alcohol test if any of the following problems occur, unless they are corrected.These are “correctable flaws.”These problems are:
(a) The BAT or STT does not sign the ATF (see §§40.247(a)(1) and 40.255(a)(1)).
(b) The BAT or STT fails to note on the “Remarks” line of the ATF that the employee has not signed the ATF after the result is obtained (see §40.255(a)(3)).
(c) The BAT or STT uses a non-DOT form for the test (see §40.225(a)).
§ 40.271
(a) As a BAT or STT, you have the responsibility of trying to complete successfully an alcohol test for each employee.
(1) If, during or shortly after the testing process, you become aware of any event that will cause the test to be cancelled (see §40.267 ), you must try to correct the problem promptly, if practicable.You may repeat the testing process as part of this effort.
(2) If repeating the testing process is necessary, you must begin a new test as soon as possible.You must use a new ATF, a new sequential test number, and, if needed, a new ASD and/or a new EBT.It is permissible to use additional technical capabilities of the EBT (e.g., manual operation) if you have been trained to do so in accordance with §40.213(c) .
(3) If repeating the testing process is necessary, you are not limited in the number of attempts to complete the test, provided that the employee is making a good faith effort to comply with the testing process.
(4) If another testing device is not available for the new test at the testing site, you must immediately notify the DER and advise the DER that the test could not be completed.As the DER who receives this information, you must make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the test is conducted at another testing site as soon as possible.
(b) If, as an STT, BAT, employer or other service agent administering the testing process, you become aware of a “correctable flaw” (see §40.269 ) that has not already been corrected, you must take all practicable action to correct the problem so that the test is not cancelled.
(1) If the problem resulted from the omission of required information, you must, as the person responsible for providing that information, supply in writing the missing information and a signed statement that it is true and accurate.For example, suppose you are a BAT and you forgot to make a notation on the “Remarks” line of the ATF that the employee did not sign the certification.You would, when the problem is called to your attention, supply a signed statement that the employee failed or refused to sign the certification after the result was obtained, and that your signed statement is true and accurate.
(2) If the problem is the use of a non-DOT form, you must, as the person responsible for the use of the incorrect form, certify in writing that the incorrect form contains all the information needed for a valid DOT alcohol test.You must also provide a signed statement that the incorrect form was used inadvertently or as the only means of conducting a test, in circumstances beyond your control, and the steps you have taken to prevent future use of non-DOT forms for DOT tests. You must supply this information on the same business day on which you are notified of the problem, transmitting it by fax or courier.
(c) If you cannot correct the problem, you must cancel the test.
§ 40.273
(a) A cancelled alcohol test is neither positive nor negative.
(1) As an employer, you must not attach to a cancelled test the consequences of a test result that is 0.02 or greater (e.g., removal from a safety-sensitive position).
(2) As an employer, you must not use a cancelled test in a situation where an employee needs a test result that is below 0.02 (e.g., in the case of a return-to-duty or follow-up test to authorize the employee to perform safety-sensitive functions).
(3) As an employer, you must not direct a recollection for an employee because a test has been cancelled, except in the situations cited in paragraph (a)(2) of this section or other provisions of this part.
(b) A cancelled test does not count toward compliance with DOT requirements, such as a minimum random testing rate.
(c) When a test must be cancelled, if you are the BAT, STT, or other person who determines that the cancellation is necessary, you must inform the affected DER within 48 hours of the cancellation.
(d) A cancelled DOT test does not provide a valid basis for an employer to conduct a non-DOT test (i.e., a test under company authority).
§ 40.275
(a) As an STT, BAT, employer, or a service agent administering the testing process, you must document any errors in the testing process of which you become aware, even if they are not “fatal flaws” or “correctable flaws” listed in this subpart. Decisions about the ultimate impact of these errors will be determined by administrative or legal proceedings, subject to the limitation of paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) No person concerned with the testing process may declare a test cancelled based on a mistake in the process that does not have a significant adverse effect on the right of the employee to a fair and accurate test. For example, it is inconsistent with this part to cancel a test based on a minor administrative mistake (e.g., the omission of the employee`s middle initial) or an error that does not affect employee protections under this part. Nor does the failure of an employee to sign in Step 4 of the ATF result in the cancellation of the test. Nor is a test to be cancelled on the basis of a claim by an employee that he or she was improperly selected for testing.
(c) As an employer, these errors, even though not sufficient to cancel an alcohol test result, may subject you to enforcement action under DOT agency regulations.
§ 40.253
As the BAT conducting an alcohol confirmation test, you must follow these steps in order to complete the confirmation test process:
(a) In the presence of the employee, you must conduct an air blank on the EBT you are using before beginning the confirmation test and show the reading to the employee.
(1) If the reading is 0.00, the test may proceed. If the reading is greater than 0.00, you must conduct another air blank.
(2) If the reading on the second air blank is 0.00, the test may proceed. If the reading is greater than 0.00, you must take the EBT out of service.
(3) If you take an EBT out of service for this reason, no one may use it for testing until the EBT is found to be within tolerance limits on an external check of calibration.
(4) You must proceed with the test of the employee using another EBT, if one is available.
(b) You must open a new individually wrapped or sealed mouthpiece in view of the employee and insert it into the device in accordance with the manufacturer`s instructions.
(c) You must ensure that you and the employee read the unique test number displayed on the EBT.
(d) You must instruct the employee to blow steadily and forcefully into the mouthpiece for at least six seconds or until the device indicates that an adequate amount of breath has been obtained.
(e) You must show the employee the result displayed on the EBT.
(f) You must show the employee the result and unique test number that the EBT prints out either directly onto the ATF or onto a separate printout.
(g) If the EBT provides a separate printout of the result, you must attach the printout to the designated space on the ATF with tamper-evident tape, or use a self-adhesive label that is tamper-evident.
- A DOT-regulated employer (except under USCG and RSPA rules) wishing to conduct pre-employment alcohol testing under DOT authority may do so if certain conditions are met.
- The testing must be accomplished for all applicants (i.e., the employer cannot select for testing some applicants and not others) and the testing must be conducted as a post-offer requirement (i.e., the employer needs to inform the applicant that he or she has the job if he or she passes a DOT alcohol test).
- In addition, the testing and its consequences must comply with requirements of Part 40.
§40.243; §40.253; §40.275; Appendix G
- • §40.243(f) and §40.253(g) instruct the BAT to affix the printout of the information from the alcohol-testing device to the designated space on the ATF.
- The designated space on the ATF is on the front of the form. That is where BATs and STTs should affix the printouts.
- However, because the instructions on the ATF also permit the printout to be affixed to the back of the ATF, the Department has no objections to having the printouts on the back of the ATF.
- The collection site address should reflect the location where the collection takes place. If the collection takes place at a clinic, the actual address of that clinic should be used: not a corporate or a “main office” address of the clinic/collection company.
- If the collection takes place on-site at the employer`s place of business (e.g., a bus terminal, a rail yard), the actual address of the employer site should be used.
- If the collection takes place in a “mobile unit” or takes place at an accident site, the collector should enter the actual location address of the collection (or as near an approximation as possible, under the circumstances).
- The required collector telephone number should be the number at which it is most likely that the laboratory, MRO, or employer, if necessary, may contact the collector and the collector`s supervisor.
- Pre-printing certain information onto the CCF is problematic if the information is subject to change.
- Normally, equipment failure will not require the BAT to have error correction training.
- However, if it is determined that the equipment failure was related to the BAT`s failure to properly maintain equipment (e.g., the EBT), error correction training would be in order.
- In addition, error correction would be required if the BAT does not attempt to accomplish the test following equipment failure using another device – provided that another device was reasonably available.
§40.229; 40.231.
- An employer is not considered to be in compliance if an EBT is not available for use within 30 minutes to confirm the screening test.
- However, there may exist unusual circumstances (e.g., post-accident testing) in which an EBT is not available within the appropriate time frame. In such a case, the employer would not be considered out of compliance with the regulation if documentation exists showing a “good faith” effort to get an EBT. [It is important to note that most operating administrations give employers up to 8 hours to administer the appropriate alcohol test following a qualifying accident.]
§ 40.213
To be permitted to act as a BAT or STT in the DOT alcohol testing program, you must meet each of the requirements of this section:
(a) You must be knowledgeable about the alcohol testing procedures in this part and the current DOT guidance. Procedures and guidance are available from ODAPC (Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590, 202-366-3784, or on the ODAPC Web site, You must keep current on any changes to these materials. You must subscribe to the ODAPC list-serve at (
(b) Qualification training. You must receive qualification training meeting the requirements of this paragraph (b).
(1) Qualification training must be in accordance with the DOT Model BAT or STT Course, as applicable. The DOT Model Courses are available from ODAPC (Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington DC, 20590, 202-366-3784, or on the ODAPC web site, The training can also be provided using a course of instruction equivalent to the DOT Model Courses. On request, ODAPC will review BAT and STT instruction courses for equivalency.
(2) Qualification training must include training to proficiency in using the alcohol testing procedures of this part and in the operation of the particular alcohol testing device(s) (i.e., the ASD(s) or EBT(s)) you will be using.
(3) The training must emphasize that you are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the testing process, ensuring the privacy of employees being tested, and avoiding conduct or statements that could be viewed as offensive or inappropriate.
(4) The instructor must be an individual who has demonstrated necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities by regularly conducting DOT alcohol tests as an STT or BAT, as applicable, for a period of at least a year, who has conducted STT or BAT training, as applicable, under this part for a year, or who has successfully completed a “train the trainer” course.
(c) Initial Proficiency Demonstration. Following your completion of qualification training under paragraph (b) of this section, you must demonstrate proficiency in alcohol testing under this part by completing seven consecutive error-free mock tests (BATs) or five consecutive error-free tests (STTs).
(1) Another person must monitor and evaluate your performance, in person or by a means that provides real-time observation and interaction between the instructor and trainee, and attest in writing that the mock collections are “error-free.” This person must be an individual who meets the requirements of paragraph (b)(4) of this section.
(2) These tests must use the alcohol testing devices (e.g., EBT(s) or ASD(s)) that you will use as a BAT or STT.
(3) If you are an STT who will be using an ASD that indicates readings by changes, contrasts, or other readings in color, you must demonstrate as part of the mock test that you are able to discern changes, contrasts, or readings correctly.
(d) You must meet the requirements of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section before you begin to perform STT or BAT functions.
(e) Refresher training. No less frequently than every five years from the date on which you satisfactorily complete the requirements of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, you must complete refresher training that meets all the requirements of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.
(f) Error Correction Training. If you make a mistake in the alcohol testing process that causes a test to be cancelled (i.e., a fatal or uncorrected flaw), you must undergo error correction training. This training must occur within 30 days of the date you are notified of the error that led to the need for retraining.
(1) Error correction training must be provided and your proficiency documented in writing by a person who meets the requirements of paragraph (b)(4) of this section.
(2) Error correction training is required to cover only the subject matter area(s) in which the error that caused the test to be cancelled occurred.
(3) As part of the error correction training, you must demonstrate your proficiency in the alcohol testing procedures of this part by completing three consecutive error-free mock tests. The mock tests must include one uneventful scenario and two scenarios related to the area(s) in which your error(s) occurred. The person providing the training must monitor and evaluate your performance and attest in writing that the mock tests were error-free.
(g) Documentation. You must maintain documentation showing that you currently meet all requirements of this section. You must provide this documentation on request to DOT agency representatives and to employers and C/TPAs who are negotiating to use your services.
(h) Other persons who may serve as BATs or STTs. (1) Anyone meeting the requirements of this section to be a BAT may act as an STT, provided that the individual has demonstrated initial proficiency in the operation of the ASD that he or she is using, as provided in paragraph (c) of this section.
(2) Law enforcement officers who have been certified by state or local governments to conduct breath alcohol testing are deemed to be qualified as BATs. They are not required to also complete the training requirements of this section in order to act as BATs. In order for a test conducted by such an officer to be accepted under DOT alcohol testing requirements, the officer must have been certified by a state or local government to use the EBT or ASD that was used for the test.
§ 40.211
(a) Screening test technicians (STTs) and breath alcohol technicians (BATs) meeting their respective requirements of this subpart are the only people authorized to conduct DOT alcohol tests.
(b) An STT can conduct only alcohol screening tests, but a BAT can conduct alcohol screening and confirmation tests.
(c) As a BAT- or STT-qualified immediate supervisor of a particular employee, you may not act as the STT or BAT when that employee is tested, unless no other STT or BAT is available and DOT agency regulations do not prohibit you from doing so.
§ 40.251
As the BAT for an alcohol confirmation test, you must follow these steps to begin the confirmation test process:
(a) You must carry out a requirement for a waiting period before the confirmation test, by taking the following steps:
(1) You must ensure that the waiting period lasts at least 15 minutes, starting with the completion of the screening test.After the waiting period has elapsed, you should begin the confirmation test as soon as possible, but not more than 30 minutes after the completion of the screening test.
(i) If the confirmation test is taking place at a different location from the screening test (see §40.247(b)(3)) the time of transit between sites counts toward the waiting period if the STT or BAT who conducted the screening test provided the waiting period instructions.
(ii) If you cannot verify, through review of the ATF, that waiting period instructions were provided, then you must carry out the waiting period requirement.
(iii) You or another BAT or STT, or an employer representative, must observe the employee during the waiting period.
(2) Concerning the waiting period, you must tell the employee:
(i) Not to eat, drink, put anything (e.g., cigarette, chewing gum) into his or her mouth, or belch;
(ii) The reason for the waiting period (i.e., to prevent an accumulation of mouth alcohol from leading to an artificially high reading);
(iii) That following your instructions concerning the waiting period is to the employee`s benefit; and
(iv) That the confirmation test will be conducted at the end of the waiting period, even if the instructions have not been followed.
(3) If you become aware that the employee has not followed the instructions, you must note this on the “Remarks” line of the ATF.
(b) If you did not conduct the screening test for the employee, you must require positive identification of the employee, explain the confirmation procedures, and use a new ATF.You must note on the “Remarks” line of the ATF that a different BAT or STT conducted the screening test.
(c) Complete Step 1 of the ATF.
(d) Direct the employee to complete Step 2 on the ATF and sign the certification.If the employee refuses to sign this certification, you must document this refusal on the “Remarks” line of the ATF and immediately notify the DER. This is a refusal to test.
(e) Even if more than 30 minutes have passed since the screening test result was obtained, you must begin the confirmation test procedures in §40.253 , not another screening test.
(f) You must note on the “Remarks” line of the ATF the time that elapsed between the two events, and if the confirmation test could not begin within 30 minutes of the screening test, the reason why.
(g) Beginning the confirmation test procedures after the 30 minutes have elapsed does not invalidate the screening or confirmation tests, but it may constitute a regulatory violation subject to DOT agency sanction.
§ 40.247
(a) If the test result is an alcohol concentration of less than 0.02, as the BAT or STT, you must do the following:
(1) Sign and date Step 3 of the ATF; and
(2) Transmit the result to the DER in a confidential manner, as provided in §40.255 .
(b) If the test result is an alcohol concentration of 0.02 or higher, as the BAT or STT, you must direct the employee to take a confirmation test.
(1) If you are the BAT who will conduct the confirmation test, you must then conduct the test using the procedures beginning at §40.251 .
(2) If you are not the BAT who will conduct the confirmation test, direct the employee to take a confirmation test, sign and date Step 3 of the ATF, and give the employee Copy 2 of the ATF.
(3) If the confirmation test will be performed at a different site from the screening test, you must take the following additional steps:
(i) Advise the employee not to eat, drink, put anything (e.g., cigarette, chewing gum) into his or her mouth, or belch;
(ii) Tell the employee the reason for the waiting period required by §40.251(a)(i.e., to prevent an accumulation of mouth alcohol from leading to an artificially high reading);
(iii) Explain that following your instructions concerning the waiting period is to the employee`s benefit;
(iv) Explain that the confirmation test will be conducted at the end of the waiting period, even if the instructions have not been followed;
(v) Note on the “Remarks” line of the ATF that the waiting period instructions were provided;
(vi) Instruct the person accompanying the employee to carry a copy of the ATF to the BAT who will perform the confirmation test; and
(vii) Ensure that you or another BAT, STT, or employer representative observe the employee as he or she is transported to the confirmation testing site.You must direct the employee not to attempt to drive a motor vehicle to the confirmation testing site.
(c) If the screening test is invalid, you must, as the BAT or STT, tell the employee the test is cancelled and note the problem on the “Remarks” line of the ATF.If practicable, repeat the testing process (see §40.271 ).
§ 40.245
(a) As the STT or BAT, you must take the following steps when using the saliva ASD:
(1) Check the expiration date on the device or on the package containing the device and show it to the employee. You may not use the device after its expiration date.
(2) Open an individually wrapped or sealed package containing the device in the presence of the employee.
(3) Offer the employee the opportunity to use the device. If the employee uses it, you must instruct the employee to insert it into his or her mouth and use it in a manner described by the device’s manufacturer.
(4) If the employee chooses not to use the device, or in all cases in which a new test is necessary because the device did not activate (see paragraph (a)(7) of this section), you must insert the device into the employee’s mouth and gather saliva in the manner described by the device’s manufacturer. You must wear single-use examination or similar gloves while doing so and change them following each test.
(5) When the device is removed from the employee’s mouth, you must follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding necessary next steps in ensuring that the device has activated.
(6)(i) If you were unable to successfully follow the procedures of paragraphs (a)(3) through (a)(5) of this section (e.g., the device breaks, you drop the device on the floor), you must discard the device and conduct a new test using a new device.
(ii) The new device you use must be one that has been under your control or that of the employee before the test.
(iii) You must note on the “Remarks” line of the ATF the reason for the new test. (Note: You may continue using the same ATF with which you began the test.)
(iv) You must offer the employee the choice of using the device or having you use it unless the employee, in the opinion of the STT or BAT, was responsible (e.g., the employee dropped the device) for the new test needing to be conducted.
(v) If you are unable to successfully follow the procedures of paragraphs (a)(3) through (a)(5) of this section on the new test, you must end the collection and put an explanation on the “Remarks” line of the ATF.
(vi) You must then direct the employee to take a new test immediately, using an EBT for the screening test.
(7) If you are able to successfully follow the procedures of paragraphs (a)(3)—(a)(5) of this section, but the device does not activate, you must discard the device and conduct a new test, in the same manner as provided in paragraph (a)(6) of this section. In this case, you must place the device into the employee’s mouth to collect saliva for the new test.
(8) You must read the result displayed on the device no sooner than the device’s manufacturer instructs. In all cases the result displayed must be read within 15 minutes of the test. You must then show the device and it’s reading to the employee and enter the result on the ATF.
(9) You must never re-use devices, swabs, gloves or other materials used in saliva testing.
(10) You must note the fact that you used a saliva ASD in Step 3 of the ATF.
(b) As the STT or BAT, you must take the following steps when using the breath tube ASD:
(1) Check the expiration date on the detector device and the electronic analyzer or on the package containing the device and the analyzer and show it to the employee. You must not use the device or the analyzer after their expiration date. You must not use an analyzer which is not specifically pre-calibrated for the device being used in the collection.
(2) Remove the device from the package and secure an inflation bag onto the appropriate end of the device, as directed by the manufacturer on the device’s instructions.
(3) Break the tube’s ampoule in the presence of the employee.
(4) Offer the employee the opportunity to use the device. If the employee chooses to use (e.g. hold) the device, instruct the employee to blow forcefully and steadily into the blowing end of device until the inflation bag fills with air (approximately 12 seconds).
(5) If the employee chooses not to hold the device, you must hold it and provide the use instructions in paragraph (b)(4) of this section.
(6) When the employee completes the breath process, take the device from the employee (or if you were holding it, remove it from the employee’s mouth), remove the inflation bag, and prepare the device to be read by the analyzer in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions.
(7)(i) If you were unable to successfully follow the procedures of paragraphs (b)(4) through (b)(6) of this section (e.g., the device breaks apart, the employee did not fill the inflation bag), you must discard the device and conduct a new test using a new one.
(ii) The new device you use must be one that has been under your control or that of the employer before the test.
(iii) You must note on the “Remarks” line of the ATF the reason for the new test. (Note: You may continue using the same ATF with which you began the test.)
(iv) You must offer the employee the choice of holding the device or having you hold it unless the employee, in the your opinion, was responsible (e.g., the employee failed to fill the inflation bag) for the new test needing to be conducted.
(v) If you are unable to successfully follow the procedures of paragraphs (b)(4) through (b)(6) of this section on the new test, you must end the collection and put an explanation on the “Remarks” line of the ATF.
(vi) You must then direct the employee to take a new test immediately, using another type of ASD (e.g., saliva device) or an EBT.
(8) If you were able to successfully follow the procedures of paragraphs (b)(4) through (b)(6) of this section and after having waited the required amount of time directed by the manufacturer for the detector device to incubate, you must place the device in the analyzer in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions. The result must be read from the analyzer no earlier then the required incubation time of the device. In all cases, the result must be read within 15 minutes of the test.
(9) You must follow the manufacturer’s instructions for determining the result of the test. You must show the analyzer result to the employee and record the result on Step 3 of the ATF.
(10) You must never re-use detector devices or any gloves used in breath tube testing. The inflation bag must be voided of air following removal from a device. Inflation bags and electronic analyzers may be re-used but only in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions.
(11) You must note the fact that you used a breath tube device in Step 3 of the ATF.
§ 40.243
As the BAT or STT, you must take the following steps:
(a) Select, or allow the employee to select, an individually wrapped or sealed mouthpiece from the testing materials.
(b) Open the individually wrapped or sealed mouthpiece in view of the employee and insert it into the device in accordance with the manufacturer`s instructions.
(c) Instruct the employee to blow steadily and forcefully into the mouthpiece for at least six seconds or until the device indicates that an adequate amount of breath has been obtained.
(d) Show the employee the displayed test result.
(e) If the device is one that prints the test number, testing device name and serial number, time, and result directly onto the ATF, you must check to ensure that the information has been printed correctly onto the ATF.
(f) If the device is one that prints the test number, testing device name and serial number, time and result, but on a separate printout rather than directly onto the ATF, you must affix the printout of the information to the designated space on the ATF with tamper-evident tape or use a self-adhesive label that is tamper-evident.
(g) If the device is one that does not print the test number, testing device name and serial number, time, and result, or it is a device not being used with a printer, you must record this information in Step 3 of the ATF.
§ 40.241
As the BAT or STT you will take the following steps to begin all alcohol screening tests, regardless of the type of testing device you are using:
(a) When a specific time for an employee`s test has been scheduled, or the collection site is at the employee`s worksite, and the employee does not appear at the collection site at the scheduled time, contact the DER to determine the appropriate interval within which the DER has determined the employee is authorized to arrive.If the employee`s arrival is delayed beyond that time, you must notify the DER that the employee has not reported for testing. In a situation where a C/TPA has notified an owner/operator or other individual employee to report for testing and the employee does not appear, the C/TPA must notify the employee that he or she has refused to test.
(b) Ensure that, when the employee enters the alcohol testing site, you begin the alcohol testing process without undue delay.For example, you must not wait because the employee says he or she is not ready or because an authorized employer or employee representative is delayed in arriving.
(1) If the employee is also going to take a DOT drug test, you must, to the greatest extent practicable, ensure that the alcohol test is completed before the urine collection process begins.
(2) If the employee needs medical attention (e.g., an injured employee in an emergency medical facility who is required to have a post-accident test), do not delay this treatment to conduct a test.
(c) Require the employee to provide positive identification.You must see a photo ID issued by the employer (other than in the case of an owner-operator or other self-employer individual) or a Federal, state, or local government (e.g., a driver`s license).You may not accept faxes or photocopies of identification.Positive identification by an employer representative (not a co-worker or another employee being tested) is also acceptable.If the employee cannot produce positive identification, you must contact a DER to verify the identity of the employee.
(d) If the employee asks, provide your identification to the employee.Your identification must include your name and your employer`s name but is not required to include your picture, address, or telephone number.
(e) Explain the testing procedure to the employee, including showing the employee the instructions on the back of the ATF.
(f) Complete Step 1 of the ATF.
(g) Direct the employee to complete Step 2 on the ATF and sign the certification.If the employee refuses to sign this certification, you must document this refusal on the “Remarks” line of the ATF and immediately notify the DER. This is a refusal to test.
(a) As an ASD manufacturer, you must submit, for NHTSA approval, a QAP for your ASD before NHTSA approves it and ODAPC places the device on its Web page for “Approved Screening Devices to Measure Alcohol in Bodily Fluids”. Your QAP must specify the methods used for quality control checks, temperatures at which the ASD must be stored and used, the shelf life of the device, and environmental conditions (e.g., temperature, altitude, humidity) that may affect the ASD’s performance.
(b) As a manufacturer, you must include with each ASD instructions for its use and care consistent with the QAP.The instructions must include directions on the proper use of the ASD, and, where applicable the time within which the device must be read, and the manner in which the reading is made.
(c) As the user of the ADS (e.g., employer, STT), you must follow the QAP instructions.
(d) You are not permitted to use an ASD that does not pass the specified quality control checks or that has passed its expiration date.
(e) As an employer, with respect to breath ASDs, you must also follow the device use and care requirements of §40.233 .
§ 40.233
(a) As an EBT manufacturer, you must submit, for NHTSA approval, a quality assurance plan (QAP) for your EBT before ODAPC places the EBT on its Web page for “Approved Evidential Breath Measurement Devices.”
(1) Your QAP must specify the methods used to perform external calibration checks on the EBT, the tolerances within which the EBT is regarded as being in proper calibration, and the intervals at which these checks must be performed. In designating these intervals, your QAP must take into account factors like frequency of use, environmental conditions (e.g., temperature, humidity, altitude) and type of operation (e.g., stationary or mobile).
(2) Your QAP must also specify the inspection, maintenance, and calibration requirements and intervals for the EBT.
(b) As the manufacturer, you must include, with each EBT, instructions for its use and care consistent with the QAP.
(c) As the user of the EBT (e.g., employer, service agent), you must do the following:
(1) You must follow the manufacturer’s instructions (see paragraph (b) of this section), including performance of external calibration checks at the intervals the instructions specify.
(2) In conducting external calibration checks, you must use only calibration devices appearing on NHTSA’s CPL for “Calibrating Units for Breath Alcohol Tests.”
(3) If an EBT fails an external check of calibration, you must take the EBT out of service. You may not use the EBT again for DOT alcohol testing until it is repaired and passes an external calibration check.
(4) You must maintain records of the inspection, maintenance, and calibration of EBTs as provided in §40.333(a)(3).
(5) You must ensure that inspection, maintenance, and calibration of the EBT are performed by its manufacturer or a maintenance representative certified either by the manufacturer or by a state health agency or other appropriate state agency.
§ 40.229
(a) EBTs on ODAPC’s Web page for “Approved Evidential Breath Measurement Devices” that meet the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section are the only devices you may use to conduct alcohol confirmation tests under this part.
(b) To conduct a confirmation test, you must use an EBT that has the following capabilities:
(1) Provides a printed triplicate result (or three consecutive identical copies of a result) of each breath test;
(2) Assigns a unique number to each completed test, which the BAT and employee can read before each test and which is printed on each copy of the result;
(3) Prints, on each copy of the result, the manufacturer`s name for the device, its serial number, and the time of the test;
(4) Distinguishes alcohol from acetone at the 0.02 alcohol concentration level;
(5) Tests an air blank; and
(6) Performs an external calibration check.
§ 40.229
ASDs listed on ODAPC’s Web page for “Approved Screening Devices to Measure Alcohol in Bodily Fluids” and EBTs listed on ODAPC’s Web page for “Approved Evidential Breath Measurement Devices” are the only devices you are allowed to use to conduct alcohol screening tests under this part. You may use an ASD for DOT alcohol tests only if there are instructions for its use in this part. An ASD can be used only for screening tests for alcohol, and must not be used for confirmation tests.
§ 40.227
(a) No, as an employer, BAT, or STT, you are prohibited from using the ATF for non-DOT alcohol tests. You are also prohibited from using non-DOT forms for DOT alcohol tests. Doing either subjects you to enforcement action under DOT agency regulations.
(b) If the STT or BAT, either by mistake, or as the only means to conduct a test under difficult circumstances (e.g., post-accident test with insufficient time to obtain the ATF), uses a non-DOT form for a DOT test, the use of a non-DOT form does not, in and of itself, require the employer or service agent to cancel the test. However, in order for the test to be considered valid, a signed statement must be obtained from the STT or BAT in accordance with §40.271(b) .
§ 40.225
(a) The DOT Alcohol Testing Form (ATF) must be used for every DOT alcohol test. The ATF must be a three-part carbonless manifold form. The ATF is found in Appendix G to this part. You may view this form on the ODAPC web site (
(b) As an employer in the DOT alcohol testing program, you are not permitted to modify or revise the ATF except as follows:
(1) You may include other information needed for billing purposes, outside the boundaries of the form.
(2) You may use a ATF directly generated by an EBT which omits the space for affixing a separate printed result to the ATF, provided the EBT prints the result directly on the ATF.
(3) You may use an ATF that has the employer`s name, address, and telephone number preprinted. In addition, a C/TPA`s name, address, and telephone number may be included, to assist with negative results.
(4) You may use an ATF in which all pages are printed on white paper. You may modify the ATF by using colored paper, or have clearly discernable borders or designation statements on Copy 2 and Copy 3.When colors are used, they must green for Copy 2 and blue for Copy 3.
(5) As a BAT or STT, you may add, on the “Remarks” line of the ATF, the name of the DOT agency under whose authority the test occurred.
(6) As a BAT or STT, you may use a ATF that has your name, address, and telephone number preprinted, but under no circumstances can your signature be preprinted.
(c) As an employer, you may use an equivalent foreign-language version of the ATF approved by ODAPC. You may use such a non-English language form only in a situation where both the employee and BAT/STT understand and can use the form in that language.
§ 40.223
(a) If you are a BAT, STT, or other person operating an alcohol testing site, you must prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the testing site.
(1) The only people you are to treat as authorized persons are employees being tested, BATs, STTs, and other alcohol testing site workers, DERs, employee representatives authorized by the employer (e.g., on the basis of employer policy or labor-management agreement), and DOT agency representatives.
(2) You must ensure that all persons are under the supervision of a BAT or STT at all times when permitted into the site.
(3) You may remove any person who obstructs, interferes with, or causes unnecessary delay in the testing process.
(b) As the BAT or STT, you must not allow any person other than you, the employee, or a DOT agency representative to actually witness the testing process (see §§40.241 – 40.255).
(c) If you are operating an alcohol testing site, you must ensure that when an EBT or ASD is not being used for testing, you store it in a secure place.
(d) If you are operating an alcohol testing site, you must ensure that no one other than BATs or other employees of the site have access to the site when an EBT is unsecured.
(e) As a BAT or STT, to avoid distraction that could compromise security, you are limited to conducting an alcohol test for only one employee at a time.
(1) When an EBT screening test on an employee indicates an alcohol concentration of 0.02 or higher, and the same EBT will be used for the confirmation test, you are not allowed to use the EBT for a test on another employee before completing the confirmation test on the first employee.
(2) As a BAT who will conduct both the screening and the confirmation test, you are to complete the entire screening and confirmation process on one employee before starting the screening process on another employee.
(3) You are not allowed to leave the alcohol testing site while the testing process for a given employee is in progress, except to notify a supervisor or contact a DER for assistance in the case an employee or other person who obstructs, interferes with, or unnecessarily delays the testing process.
§ 40.221
(a) A DOT alcohol test must take place at an alcohol testing site meeting the requirements of this section.
(b) If you are operating an alcohol testing site, you must ensure that it meets the security requirements of §40.223 .
(c) If you are operating an alcohol testing site, you must ensure that it provides visual and aural privacy to the employee being tested, sufficient to prevent unauthorized persons from seeing or hearing test results.
(d) If you are operating an alcohol testing site, you must ensure that it has all needed personnel, materials, equipment, and facilities to provide for the collection and analysis of breath and/or saliva samples, and a suitable clean surface for writing.
(e) If an alcohol testing site fully meeting all the visual and aural privacy requirements of paragraph (c) is not readily available, this part allows a reasonable suspicion or post-accident test to be conducted at a site that partially meets these requirements. In this case, the site must afford visual and aural privacy to the employee to the greatest extent practicable.
(f) An alcohol testing site can be in a medical facility, a mobile facility (e.g., a van), a dedicated collection facility, or any other location meeting the requirements of this section.
§ 40.217
You can find other information on the role and functions of STTs and BATs in the following sections of this part:
§40.3 – definitions.
§40.223 – responsibility for supervising employees being tested.
§§40.225 – 40.227 – use of the alcohol testing form.
§§40.241 – 40.245 – screening test procedures with ASDs and EBTs.
§§40.251 – 40.255 – confirmation test procedures.
§40.261 – refusals to test.
§§40.263 – 40.265 – insufficient saliva or breath.
§40.267 – problems requiring cancellation of tests.
§§40.269 – 40.271 – correcting problems in tests.
§ 40.215
As an employer, you must provide to the STTs and BATs the name and telephone number of the appropriate DER (and C/TPA, where applicable) to contact about any problems or issues that may arise during the testing process.