by Adam Bell | Oct 25, 2018 | Uncategorized
1. Distractions It is important not to be distracted while conducting a test. Be sure your co-workers know not to disturb any technician performing a breath alcohol test (or urine drug screen collection). Do not initiate any conversations, in person or on the...by Adam Bell | Jul 16, 2018 | Uncategorized
As most of you are aware, the Federal Custody & Control Form changed to a new version as of June 30th. The new form no longer has a check box for DOT as a testing authority. The hyphen after DOT has been removed as well. The Collector is still required to indicate...by Adam Bell | Dec 8, 2017 | Uncategorized
Some of our commonly asked questions have to do with air blanks: what they are, when to conduct them, and how. Here are the answers to those burning questions: What is an air blank? An air blank, or blank check, is a test to insure there is no alcohol present in the...by Adam Bell | May 30, 2017 | Uncategorized
An audit by a DOT Operating Agency can be initiated in various ways. It may be a random event or DOT could be actively investigating. Some operating agencies (e.g. FAA) have regularly scheduled audits with larger employers. Service Agents generally get audited because...The NRC Instructor Preparatory Training is focused on the needs of Breath Alcohol Technician Instructors, regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The course covers Operator and Calibration Technician training, plus the following:
NRC Instructor Prep Training classes are held at Intoximeters’ St. Louis Training Facility, and at select regional locations across the U.S.
The NRC Operator and Calibration Technician Training is focused on the needs of Breath Alcohol Technicians regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The course covers the following:
NRC Operator and Calibration Technician Training classes are held at Intoximeters’ St. Louis Training Facility, and at select regional locations across the U.S.
PLEASE NOTE: This course covers only the Alco-Sensor IV @Work or the ECIR II instruments.
This self study and one day in-classroom course certifies students as Breath Alcohol Technicians according to 49 CFR Part 40 regulations published by the U.S. Department of Transportation. This is Intoximeters’ standard method of training BATs and is appropriate for customers conducting DOT alcohol tests AND non-DOT testing.
Upon successful completion of the required minimum seven tests and a written quiz, students will receive certification as Breath Alcohol Technicians. Please note that Calibration Technician Training has been incorporated into our Instructor class and is no longer offered as part of this basic BAT course.
PLEASE NOTE: This course is available to RBT IV, RBT VXL, AS IV with Memory or AMCC users.
This self study and half day in-classroom course certifies students as Breath Alcohol Technicians according to 49 CFR Part 40 regulations published by the U.S. Department of Transportation. This is Intoximeters standard method of training BATs and is appropriate for customers conducting DOT alcohol tests AND non-DOT testing.
Upon successful completion of the required minimum seven tests and a written quiz, students will receive certification as Breath Alcohol Technicians. Please note that Calibration Technician Training has been incorporated into our Instructor class and is no longer offered as part of the basic BAT course.
Law Enforcement Instructor courses are offered both at our St. Louis training facility and in select regional locations. Training includes:
Please e-mail the Training Department for additional information.
Operator/Calibration Technician courses are offered both at our St. Louis training facility and in select regional locations. Training will include:
Please e-mail the Training Department for additional information.
Breath Alcohol Technician Instructor Training
PLEASE NOTE: This course covers the RBT IV, the RBT VXL, the AS IV with Memory, or the AMCC instruments.
This course includes 1 day self-study and 2 days of classroom instruction. The course has been shortened by 1 day for certain of our instruments since the introduction of our new on-line EBT Proficiency training program. Please note that certification on more than one instrument will incur additional charges and one additional day of training.
Note: This course is an advanced class over and above DOT’s requirements for BAT instructors. Successful completion of the Instructor Course authorizes the individual as a Calibration Technician and to train Factory Authorized Calibration Technicians. Calibration Trainer Agreement expires every 12 months. Recertification requirements are at the discretion of Intoximeters.
Once the student has successfully completed the online self-study components then a time will be scheduled for an Intoximeters Corporate Trainer to monitor the student performing 7 error-free mock alcohol collections to complete the Instrument Proficiency component of the BAT training. For this portion of the class you must have a working EBT instrument with printer and a valid (not expired) dry gas tank.
PLEASE NOTE: This course covers only the Alco-Sensor IV @Work or the ECIR ii instruments.
This BAT training class includes 1-day self study and three days in-classroom training and certifies students as Breath Alcohol Technicians (BATs) according to 49 CFR Part 40 regulations and as Breath Alcohol Technician (BAT) Instructors and Calibration Technician Instructors on a single Intoximeters EBT device. Please note that certification on more than one instrument will incur additional charges.
Note: This course is an advanced class over and above DOT BAT training requirements for instructors. Successful completion of the Instructor Course authorizes the individual as a Calibration Technician and to train Factory Authorized Calibration Technicians. Calibration Trainer Agreement expires every 12 months. Recertification requirements are at the discretion of Intoximeters.
PLEASE NOTE: This course covers only the RBT IV or the RBT VXL instruments.
This fully online train-the-trainer course is available for the RBT IV/Alco-Sensor IV or the Alco-Sensor VXL instruments and qualifies for both DOT initial BAT training and DOT BAT refresher training and includes BAT Instructor. A Mastery Test at the end must be passed to obtain a proof of completion.
This course includes 1 day self-study and 2 consecutive days of classroom webcam instruction.
Certification on more than one instrument will incur additional charges and one additional day of training.
The course includes:
Note: This course is an advanced class over and above DOT’s requirements for BAT instructors. Successful completion of the Instructor Course authorizes the individual as a Calibration Technician.
What is the process? Once the student has successfully completed the online self-study components then a date and time will be confirmed for an Intoximeters Corporate Trainer to monitor the student performing 7 error-free mock alcohol tests to complete the Instrument Proficiency component of the BAT training. For this portion of the class you must have a working EBT instrument with printer and a valid (not expired) dry gas tank. After the completion of the 7 error-free mocks, the BAT Instructor training will commence on.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Urine Drug Screen Collector and Instructor Training (1 day classroom)
This course trains the student as a Collector and provides materials & guidance for use in training other collectors. A certificate will be issued to successful participants.
Scroll down to view class schedule.
This course includes an online self-study module to be completed prior to the classroom session. Topics include qualification requirements for collectors, trainers, and monitors, important definitions, collection site facility requirements, the new Custody and Control Form, steps in the collection process, and obstacles to completing a collection. A Mastery Test at the end must be passed to obtain a proof of completion.
Classroom activities include detailed review of procedures before each mock test (5 in all). The course also includes discussions of instructor resources, monitoring student mock tests and available online materials. An Instructor manual and materials are provided for use in training collectors in your own company.
Questions? Contact the Training Department
The online UDS Collector course (course #105) is an interactive web course designed to train individuals to conduct urine drug screen collections under the 49 CFR Part 40 (DOT) regulations. The course includes:
Intoximeters offers complete technical and maintenance training to our law enforcement customers at our headquarters in St. Louis. You must be a law enforcement officer working for the agency who owns the equipment to qualify for this training.
Maintenance courses are offered once or twice per year at our St. Louis corporate offices.
This fully online train-the-trainer course that trains and qualifies the student for both DOT initial Collector training and DOT Collector refresher training. This advanced UDS Collector Instructor course (course #405) is an interactive web course designed to train individuals to conduct urine drug screen collections under the 49 CFR Part 40 (DOT) regulations and certify them as a Collector Instructor to train others to be Collectors in their own company. A certificate will be issued to successful participants. A Mastery Test at the end must be passed to obtain a proof of completion.
This course includes 1 day self-study and 1 day of classroom webcam instruction.
The course includes:
Note: This course is an advanced class over and above DOT’s requirements for Urine Drug Screen Collector instructors. Successful completion of the Instructor Course authorizes the individual as a DOT UDS Collector and Instructor.
What is the process?
Once the student has successfully completed the online self-study components then a date and time will be confirmed for an Intoximeters Corporate Trainer to monitor the student performing 5 error-free mock collections to complete the Qualification component of the Collector training. For this portion of the class the student must have the required materials. After the completion of the 5 error-free mocks, the BAT Instructor training will commence on.
Intoximeters will send all necessary training course materials including check sheets prior to the video conference. Student(s) must have an adjustable webcam and a high speed internet connection set up and working prior to the webcam session. If 2 people are being trained, they will act as subjects for each other.
You must be a law enforcement officer working for the agency who owns the equipment to qualify for this training. This is a 3-hour course that includes basic operation, explanations of instrument displays and functions, and hands-on practice.
The class covers automatic sampling, insufficient breath, manual sampling and mouth alcohol effects. Additional discussions of calibration theory and the procedures for accuracy checks and calibrations will also be presented.
Law Enforcement Operator courses are offered both at our St. Louis training facility and in select regional locations. Scroll down to select your class.
Please e-mail the Training Department for additional information.